Smasher Tournament Sponsor Program (5/15 added)

Hello, this is SMASH LEGENDS.
We are introducing the Smasher Tournament Sponsor Program to encourage Smashers to host their own events.
To be eligible for the program, you must meet all the requirements listed below.


– Anyone who loves SMASH LEGENDS can participate!

– But, to receive program rewards for your tournament, you must fulfill the following requirements.

  • Regarding Tournament Promotions (Submitting URL addresses)
    • You must recruit participants for SMASH LEGENDS’ Discord channel #sl-promotion. (5/15 added)
    • You must upload at least 3 promotional posts for your tournament.
    • One of the promotions for your tournament must be uploaded to SMASH LEGENDS’ Discord channel #sl-promotion.
  • Regarding Tournament Streaming (Submitting Livestream and VOD URL addresses)
    • The tournament must be livestreamed on the day it takes place. (Twitch or YouTube recommended)
    • The full version of the stream must be uploaded as public.
    • If only a portion of the tournament is streamed, the unstreamed portions must be replaced with edited videos before they are uploaded.
✅ Application & Procedures

– Once your application passes the screening process, rewards will be distributed according to the plan you wrote for reward distribution! 

* The application and screening results will require between one and two weeks to process, respectively.
* You can access SMASH LEGENDS’ Support page within the game in Settings.

✅ Distributed Rewards per Tier

– The distribution of rewards varies by tier based on the number of participants in the tournament.

<<Rewards Based on Tiers>>

✅ Note

– Tournament participants must be recruited in public so that all can see.
– Any problems resulting from participation in sponsored tournaments are solely the responsibility of the tournament organizers.
– The program may be subject to change or terminated due to operational issues.
– The application may be excluded at any time if a violation of the Guidelines is discovered after tournament support has been fixed.
– Penalties may be imposed if violations of the tournament’s guidelines are discovered after an application has been submitted.
– For more details about the program, please check the Smasher Tournament Sponsor Program Guidelines.

Thank you.